Mike Scott - GPSA Treasurer
Mike ScottNovember, 2024
Mike was invited to become a part of the GPSA by the late Hoy Frakes (GPSA Class of 1981).
He has been with the association since 2011 (13 years) and is in his 10th year as its treasurer. Mike grew up in Pueblo. He graduated from Pueblo East High school in 1965 and played baseball for the Eagles.
Scott received his degree from the University of Southern Colorado (1970), then was a teacher (math) and coach (asst. baseball; head golf coach and head boys and girl's tennis coach).
Mike played 16' slow-pitch softball for Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance and won the state tournament (1975) which earned them a trip to the National Tournament in Dalton, GA. He moved to Seattle, WA, and went to work for Allstate Insurance Company for 30 years. (1976-2006), primarily in the area of agent sales education. Mike continued to play softball after his move to Seattle until retiring at 49 years old after blowing out his ACL in a game. Scott spent last three years with Allstate in the Denver Regional office before moving from Denver back to Pueblo with his wife Jean.
Mike still plays golf but only sparingly due to shoulder problems, but when not playing on the links, he supports local high school athletics as a fan and attends many CSU-P athletic contests - primarily men's and women's basketball.
An avid animal lover, Mike along with his wife have been very involved with caring for homeless cats for the last 17 years. He currently work part-time at SoCo Spay & Neuter Clinic.
Mike has two sons, a step-son and step-daughter. Mike and Jean have three grandchildren.
Gary Adamson
Gary Adamson
October, 2024
Gary was inducted into the GPSA Hall of Fame in 2009 and has been a committee member for seven years. He was the head wrestling coach at Pueblo Centennial High School for 29 years before retiring in 2019.
Gary also served as an assistant on the Bulldogs football team for 15 seasons.
He is the current owner of Roger's Enterprise, Inc., located at 405 W. 8th Street. Gary has provided a valuable GPSA service of selling the banquet ticket for the GPSA over the years.
Miles Gorham - GPSA Vice-President
Miles Gorham
September, 2024
Miles Gorham, a Vice President Commercial Lender with InBank, has been a member of GPSA for the last seven years and is currently finishing his four years as the Vice President of the association. Miles has enjoyed continuing the long standing and prestigious nature of this great Hall of Fame, while continuing to strive to grow the association.
He is involved in the community outside of GPSA, as Board President of the Runyon Field Sports Commission, Vice President of the Villa Bella Expeditionary School, Tournament Director of the Tony Andenucio Memorial Baseball Tournament to name a few.
Miles enjoys spending time with his wife and two children while also being an avid sports fan in the Pueblo Community
John Barker, Jr. - GPSA Media Relations Director
John Barker, Jr.
August, 2024
John Barker, Jr., has worked as the media relations director for the GPSA since 2017. John has designed all the do nation letters with input from the GPSA committee members. Barker, who also designed the association newsletters and the website, is also in charge of developing a video slideshow and the banquet program.
John has put together several websites (using Joomla, a Content Management System) for well-known business in Pueblo such as the Runyon Field Sports Complex, St. Joseph Catholic Church, St. Anne's Catholic. Church, St. Charles Mesa Water District and The Wave Program (Pacific Grove, CA) to name a few.
Barker, who holds two college degrees (B.A. in Business Administration - Western State College of Colorado, Gunnison, CO, and M.S. in Sports Management, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL) learned web design, HTML and CSS on his own from working 11 years in college athletic media relations (sports information).
Born in Denver and a native of Pueblo, CO for most of his life, Barker has worked in several athletic departments throughout the country: University of Puget Sound (Tacoma, WA), The College of William and Mary (Williamsburg, VA), Fort Hays State University (Hays, KS), the University of Southern Colorado (now CSU-Pueblo), and WSU.