GPSA Constitution


ARTICLE I -- Name and Location

Section 1. The name of this association shall be the Greater Pueblo Sports Association

Section 2. The headquarters of this association shall be located in the County of Pueblo, Colorado


ARTICLE II -- Goals and Objectives

Section 1. To establish and maintain a sports hall of fame for the City and County of Pueblo, Colorado, to includeall sports and related recreational activities

Section 2. To promote all sports in the City and County of Pueblo, Colorado, with the intention of promoting a greaterawareness among Puebloans of the many sports activities available.

Section 3. To recognize outstanding efforts by participants and contributors in all sports and related Activites

Section 4. To work for an even greater relationship with the news media for coverage of al sports in the City and County of Pueblo.


ARTICLE III -- Membership

Section 1. The general membership in this association shall be open to any person who is interested in furthering the goals and objectives of the association.

Section 2. The minimum age requirement for membership shall be eighteen (18) years.

Section 3. An interested person meeting the requirement of Section 1 and 2 of Article III may become a member by registering with the secretary and paying the annual dues in effect at that time.

Section 4. Any member not having paid the annual dues by February 1, shall be dropped from the rolls. All members dropped from the rolls can be reinstated by simply paying current dues.

Section 5. Voting for the Hall of Fame Nominees requires attendance at a minimum of six (6) prior the Annualmeeting in November. Attendance at the Hall of Fame Banquet is accepted as three (3) meetings.

Section 6. Lifetime Membership: To consist of (1) No Dues (2) No Attendance required to vote and (3)recognition at meetings and banquet if they are in attendance. In order to qualify for a Lifetime Membership a member must have a proven record of leadership, attendance, as a worker, and has shown a spirit of high regards for the GPSA. Someone must nominate the member from the floor, discussion should follow and then a secret ballot where five (5) no votes would disquailfy the individual for the award. The Lifetime Member is still required to purchase a ticket to the banquet if they want to attend.


ARTICLE IV -- Officers

Section 1. The officers of this assocation shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2. The term of each officer shall be for two (2) years. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed at the February meeting. The report of the Nominating Committee shall be given at the March meeting and the officers are to be elected. The installation of the officers shall take place at the April meeting. The Executive committee shall be elected officers and the immediate past president.

Section 3. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice-President shall succeed to that office. Other vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the President.


ARTICLE V -- Duties of the Officers

Section 1. PRESIDENT
It shall be the duty to preside at all meetings. The President shall enforce observance of the Constitution and Bylaws and perform such other duties as pertain to the office.

The President shall be responsible for the written notfication of all elected candidates to the Hall of Fame as well as the Brian MacCartney Outstanding Senior High School Male and Female Nominees.

The President shall appoint an individual or committee at the beginning of each term of office to maintain an adequate supply of plaques and awards for the Annual Banquet(s) Award Meeting.

The President shall convene the Executive Committee at his/her discretion.

The President shall appoint an individual or committee to make arrangements for the Annual Banquet(s) Award Meeting.

Section 2. VICE-PRESIDENT (and President Elect)
It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to perform the duties of the President in the event of the absence or disability of that officer.

The Vice-President shall be responsible for all nominating folders for the Hall of Fam

The Vice-President shall be responsible for returning the nominating folders to the nominating person for Hall of Fame candidates that are voted upon three times and not elected.

Section 3. TREASURER
The treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Greater Pueblo Sports Association. It shall be his/her duty to draw checks for the purpose of paying bills of the Association. All payments or withdrawals of money for an any organization purpose shall be made by check and signed by the Treasurer, or President or Vice-President.

Section 4. SECRETARY
This office will be the official recorder of all meetings, presenter of correspondence, will receive all mail and distribute nominations, etc. The Secretary will distribute nomination (HOF) applications to designated outlets. The Secretary will (along with the President), be the main source of information regarding the GPSA to all outside inquiry. The Secretary will be responsible for the obtaining and preparing of all High School Male and Female nominations for selection and voting.


ARTICLE VI -- Meetings

Section 1. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held in November of each year.

Section 2. Other meetings shall be held at times as provided in the By Laws at such places as may be designated by the President.


ARTICLE VI -- Bylaws

Section 1. The By Laws shall be for the guidance of officers and members. Changes to By Laws may be proposed at any regular meeting and voted upon at the next regular meeting.

Section 2.Proposed amendments to By Laws shall be in writing.

Section 3. Voting on proposed amendments shall be done by ballot and if carried, will take effect immediately.


ARTICLE VII -- Amendments

Section 1. This constitution may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the ballots cast.

Section 2. Proposed constitutional amendments shall be in writing and must be presented at a regular meeting and voted upon at the next regular meeting. Voting may be accomplished by mailed ballot or at a meeting for that purpose.

Section 3. Voting on proposed amendments shall be done by ballot, and if carried, will take place immediately.





The Greater Pueblo Sports Association (GPSA) has announced a list of honorees that have passed since the 2024 induction ceremony on Nov. 14.


Tony HeglerTony

Class of 2013

Nick Charles GrahamNick Charles

Class of 2004

Dave KnappDavid Stanley

Class of 1998