GPSA Bylaws


ARTICLE I -- Meetings

Section 1. Regular meeting shall be held on the third Monday of each month.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the President.


ARTICLE II -- Quorum

Section 1. Ten (10) members shall constitute a quorum, provided two of the members present are officers.



Section 1. The annual dues for this organization shall be twenty five (25) dollars per member payable at the annual meeting held in Janaury.


ARTICLE IV -- Notices

Section 1. The Secretary shall notify all members of special meetings.


ARTICLE V -- Order of Business

Section 1. The order of business shall be prescribed by the President.


ARTICLE VI -- Visitors

Section 1. Visitors are welcome to attend all meetings but are not eligible to vote.


ARTICLE VII -- Committees shall be appointed by the President as needed.


ARTICLE VIII -- Voting on the Hall of Fame Nominees.

Section 1. Voting shall take place at the September meeting.

Section 2. Nominees will be elected by placing the names of all nominees on a ballot and a vote taken.

(a-1) All nominees receiving at least two-thirds of the votes (greatest integer in 2/3 of the eligible voters)
(a-2) The minimum total of votes on each eligible ballot will be 33% of the candidates. The total necessary will be announced when the ballots are distributed. Any ballot without the minimum votes will be rejected. The number of votes (2/3 majority) to be elected will remain the same. (The greater integer in 2/3 will be used in both)

Section 3. Absentee ballot: Will be recognized for all elections, if dated and signed by the eligible member and delivered to an eligible voting member prior to the October meeting. The Absentee Ballot will be recorded in the minutes.

**Note Memo of Understanding (21Jul2006)
If a nominee receives additional nominations(s) while under the three consecutive year rule, the application(s) will be returned to the nominator stating we have a nomination for the nominee and additional nominations are not accepted.


ARTICLE IX -- All meeting shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order


ARTICLE X -- Eligibility for Hall of Fame

Section 1. Nominees must be at least thirty (30) years of age.

Section 2. Nominees must have lived ten total years in Pueblo County.

Section 3. Nominees will be considered for three (3) consecutive years. If a nominee has not been selected with those three (3) years, the nomination form shall be returned to the nominator, and the nominee shall not bereconsidered for three (3) years.

Section 4. After a sabbatical;of three years, a new application with a new date must be submitted for further consideration.



The Greater Pueblo Sports Association (GPSA) has announced a list of honorees that have passed since the 2024 induction ceremony on Nov. 14.


Tony HeglerTony

Class of 2013

Nick Charles GrahamNick Charles

Class of 2004

Dave KnappDavid Stanley

Class of 1998