GPSA Meetings

Below are the meetings dates for the GPSA for 2023. All meeting are held on the third Monday of the month in the GPSA Room at Massari Arena. Dates are subject to change if necessary.

Feb. 20 Mar. 20 Apr. 17 May 15
Aug. 21 Sept. 18 Oct. 16


GPSA Application

If you have any questions about the nominee's application, please email Jerry Sisneros (, President of the GPSA. The deadline for nominations each year is Aug. 1.

button application

GPSA Banquet

The 2023 Banquet is tentatively set for Wed., Nov. 15, 2023, at the Occhiato Ballroom on the campus of CSU-Pueblo.

Remembering Our Fallen GPSA Inductees

The Greater Pueblo Sports Association (GPSA) has announced a list of honorees that have passed since the 2022 induction ceremony on Nov. 16.


Dennis TrujilloDennis

Class of 2007

Knafelc obitGary L.

Class of 1973

Don StuttersDr. Donald

Class of 1993