Year Inducted: 1977 (p)
Nominated By: Herb Casebeer
Sports Competed In: N/A
Athlete, Coach or Contributor: Contributor
Homer C. Thompson
Coaching Career:
Coached at Fountain School in the early 30’s as well as Risley Junior High.
Related Activities:
● Ran the Pueblo Armory, Fulton Heights and Salt Creek recreation programs.
● Helped over 100,000 men and women and devoted many extra hours to help the youth of our Community.
Professional Affiliations:
Served for six years on the School Board of School District #60 (1955-61).
"It is impossible to really assess the value of his work with youth - at one time he had more youth teams competing than Denver & twice as many as Colorado Springs. Homer ran a safe program so that in his 35 year tenure Pueblo County had to pay only one injury claim and literally thousands of Pueblo youth, both boys and girls enjoyed and benefited from his work."
-- Anonymous
Teacher, coach and county recreation director for 40 years where he organized tennis, softball and basketball programs for Pueblo's youth.
Lived in Pueblo until his death on November 27, 1987.